Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mesin Absensi EC700 "Bagaimana kita mengatasi tantangan dunia nyata ini"

Welcome to the real world

The true test of any fingerprint technology is not how it behaves in the lab or how it behaves under ideal conditions, but how it performs in the real world. For many years now, the promise of fingerprint time clocks has not been fully realized in large part because performance in the lab is not representative of performance in the field.
When a fingerprint time clock fails, for whatever reason, the technology becomes more of a barrier than an aide. The net result is user frustration, resistance to adoption, and an inability to justify costs. Regardless of which fingerprint technology is chosen, it must work reliably under real world conditions. The real world is not always ideal. The real world is wet, it is dry, it is not always clean and users are not all young office workers with great skin conditions.

So you ask? “How do we overcome these real world challenges”

By reading fingerprint characteristics that are at beneath the surface of the skin. This enhanced data capture mitigates traditional system vulnerabilities and makes our technology the most secure and convenient alternative for identity authentication. Our sensor is able to collect and process fingerprint images in a manner that makes fingerprint authentication and identification more robust, more inclusive and more reliable than other fingerprint sensors, which are vulnerable to a variety of conditions including the presence of topical contaminants, moisture, and bright ambient light. Simply stated, our sensors work where other technologies fail.

EC700 time clock vs. the competition

Real time “Push” technology

Get up to the minute real time view of your workforce. Easy Clocking time clocks push data to the Easy Clocking software as it happens to give you a real time view of your employees time & attendance status. Our time clocks communicate seamlessly with our software, all you need is an ethernet connection.

Large color LCD display

The large easy to read full color LCD screen displays the current time, when clocking in or out the screen displays the employee name and the large LED bar light provides employees with a instant good (green) or bad (red) punch indications with voice prompt.

Standalone operation

Unlike most of the time clocks sold today the Easy Clocking EC700 is a wall mounted standalone device and does not require a computer to collect employee time. It stores all employee information in it’s built-in memory and up to 100,000 employee transactions can be stored in the EC700 time clock. An internal battery ensures punches stored in the terminal are retained even in the event of a power outage. Internet connection is needed to send data to the web based software.

Job costing

Easily track jobs on the time clock. Employees can enter a specific job or project then clock in or out. These job code data is transferred seamlessly to the software to accurately give you detailed numbers on how much you are spending on jobs.

Features & benefits

  • Eliminates “buddy punching” the practice of one worker clocking in out for another.
  • Designed for high traffic, and extreme conditions, such as construction and industrial environments.
  • Works in all environmental conditions, cold, dry, humid and wet climates in near zero failure.
  • Good for up to 1000 users / 1:1 or 1:N (5000 Optional).
  • With Real-Time you see who's clocked in and out the moment it happens.
  • Built in Wi-Fi, no need to run cables (additional cost of $49.99)
  • Assembled in the USA and used by over 10,000 companies
  • Works seamlessly with Easy Clocking time & attendance software
  • Built in RFID proximity card reader (125 Khz)
  • Ability to Download and upload records using a USB flash memory
  • Designed to work in any corporate environment
  • Does not need a computer to operate, stores 100,000 transactions in it’s built-in memory
  • Touch sensing digital keypad
  • IP connectivity for LAN or WAN networks
  • Wiegand 26/34 bit outputs for secure access control
  • Direct door relay, connects to any 12 volt door lock

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